
We are Purplebricks Group plc. We refer to ourselves as Purplebricks in this document. We provide estate agency and letting services across the UK.

This document (referred to as our Service Agreement or this Agreement) governs the relationship between you and Purplebricks in connection with our provision of the Products and Services to you.

This Service Agreement sets out the rights and obligations between you and us in connection with the Products and Services for estate agency, and it also gives you information about these Products and Services, how we will provide them to you, as well as the costs and charges applicable them.

It also contains other important information which you should be aware of before you take up any of our Products and Services. We encourage you to read through this Agreement before you enter into it, and to print off a copy of this document and refer to it as you use our Products and Services. Purplebricks will also send you a paper copy of this Service Agreement if you request one. You can request a paper copy by sending us a request through the contact us page listed below.

Our details are as follows, and you can find out how to contact us in the section headed “How we will communicate”, below.

Purplebricks Group plc (trading as Purplebricks) has its registered office at First Floor, 1 Cranmore Drive, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4RZ.

Telephone number: 0800 810 8008

Contact us page:

Please be aware that we may change some of the terms and conditions in this Service Agreement in accordance with our rights set out below under the heading “Changes we can make to this Service Agreement”. Where we do so, we will give you reasonable notice of the change(s) taking effect, unless we consider the change(s) to be to your advantage in which case they may take effect immediately.

What do words and phrases mean in this Service Agreement?

In this Service Agreement, where we use capitalised words they generally refer to the particular words and phrases set out below.

‘Account’ means your account that we operate and you control within the Online Platform. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes the area where you instruct Purplebricks and manage the process of a sale, purchase, let and/or rent (including all marketing services).
‘Advertisement Period’ means 12 calendar months.
‘Advert’ means how your property is to be displayed in advertising and marketing which may include (subject to the nature of the Products and Services) photographs, descriptions, key features and floor plans.
‘Completion’ means the formal legal completion of the sale of your property (being the time from which you are no longer the owner of your property; your solicitor or licensed conveyancer should explain to you what happens at this time and is likely to be the person who will inform you that Completion has occurred).
‘Content’ means all of the content, documents, information and matters on or in your Account or contained within the Website and or Online Platform, whether through the Website and/or Online Platform or uploaded manually.
‘Conveyancing Firm’ means a member of our panel of businesses to provide conveyancing services where you elect to use the Pay Later with conveyancing.
Conveyancing Services” means the conveyancing services for the sale of your property which are to be carried out by a Conveyancing Firm.
Core Product Service Fee’ means the fee for either Classic or Pro as set out at Schedule 1. Classic does not include any Extras, the cost of providing an EPC or Home Report or any legal fees. Pro includes viewing fees but all other Extras, the cost of providing an EPC or Home Report or any legal fees are excluded. Neither Classic nor Pro includes the cost of anti-money laundering checks as set out at Schedule 1.
Estate Agent Service’ means the Products and Services described as such under the heading ‘Instructing Purplebricks’, below.
‘Extra’ or ‘Extras’ means any of the Extras contained within the Online Platform and available for you to purchase as an additional Product or Service from us and as set out in Schedule 1.
‘Instruct’ means you entering into this Agreement to take advantage of the Products and Services.
‘Interruption’ means any form of interruption to the ability of Purplebricks to provide or operate the Online Platform or Products and Services.
Local Property Partner’ means the person appointed by Purplebricks in your local area to help with your sale.
‘Merchant Provider’ means the provider of the facility to safely and securely store personal information and any credit or debit card details taken from you.
‘Online Platform’ means the systems provided to you in accordance with this this Agreement to manage the Products and Services.
‘Pay Later with conveyancing Payment Date’ means the date where any of the following occurs whichever happens first:

  • When Completion occurs or

  • If you withdraw your instructions for us to market the property or

  • If you choose not to use the Conveyancing Services or

  • Ten months from the date of this Service Agreement.

‘Pay Later with conveyancing’ means the service where we introduce you to and you agree to use a Conveyancing Firm for the Conveyancing Services. Pay later with conveyancing includes Purplebricks carrying out any necessary liaison between you and your Conveyancing Firm in respect of the sale of the property.
‘Privacy Policy’ means the Privacy Policy as amended from time to time and published on the Website and Online Platform.
‘Product Service Fee(s)’ means the fees payable by you for the Products and Services as set out in Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
‘Products and Services’ means all and each of the estate agency products and/or services offered from time to time by Purplebricks as set out on this webpage.
Relevant Regulator’ means National Trading Standards, the Advertising Standards Authority, the Competition and Markets Authority, the Property Ombudsman, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Financial Ombudsman Service and HM Revenue and Customs, as well as any other public body or authority whose decisions we must comply with.
'Requested Services Fee’ has the meaning set out in ‘Cancellations and refunds’ below.
‘Terms of Use’ means the terms and conditions for using the Website and Online Platform and published from time to time on the Website. They can be found here.
‘Website’ means including all systems, software and processes hosted on it or provided through it.

Instructing Purplebricks

Our core Products and Services are set out in this section. They consist of our ‘Classic’ estate agent service, our ‘Pro’ estate agent service and certain Extras. More detail on each of these can be found on our Website here. Our Products and Services may change over time.
Purplebricks is an online estate agent and letting agent. We will help you to sell or let your property, by providing you with Products and Services which help to market and promote your property to potential purchasers or occupants.

Selling your property

Our Products and Services include ‘Classic which consists of:

  • access to the Online Platform;

  • access to a dedicated Local Property Partner;

  • professional photography of your property;

  • producing floor plans & an advert for your property;

  • listing your property on at least two third party UK property listing sites and on for the Advertisement Period; and

  • access to a UK-based property support team for the duration of this Service Agreement.

Our Products and Services also include ‘Pro’, which includes all of the benefits of ‘Classic’ listed immediately above and also includes:

  • Accompanied Viewings: we will show potential buyers around your property

  • Interactive 3D Tour: an immersive digital walk-through showcasing your property

The Products and Services also include the Extras as detailed in the dedicated “Extras” section below. The Extras are subject to separate Product Service Fees, as detailed in Schedule 1 to this Agreement.

To be able to Instruct Purplebricks:

  • you must be a natural person who is also a UK resident, a partnership or trust situated in the UK, a company incorporated in the UK, a charity registered in the UK or, in the case of any other organisation, your primary location and main activity must be in the UK;

  • you must not be bankrupt or subject to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) (or, in the case of a partnership, none of your partners can be bankrupt or subject to an IVA);

  • you must not have had a receiver, administrative receiver or trustee appointed over any of your assets, undertakings or estate (other than if you are a trust and the appointment of a trustee is in accordance with the provisions of the trust);

  • you must not have had a resolution or petition to wind you up passed or presented (other than for the purposes of reconstruction or amalgamation);

  • you must not have had an administration order made against you; and

  • you must not have had any similar or analogous activity or order occur or made against you, including in any jurisdiction other than England and Wales.

We may agree otherwise on a case by case basis, but we will only do so in writing.
By entering into this Service Agreement you confirm that you and any other person on whose behalf you are entering into this Service Agreement, each meet all of the above criteria.
Instructing Purplebricks may require the consent, authority or agreement of other people, or may require you to inform other people that you intend to Instruct Purplebricks or that you intend to sell or market the Property. This consent, authority, agreement or notice could be required from, or to a number of people including: a co-owner of the Property, someone who lives the Property with you or who occupies the Property, a neighbour or other person who has access or other rights over the Property, a lender who has security over the Property, or another agent with whom you have agreed to market or sell the Property. It is also possible that consent may be required from the local authority or any other third party who has rights or an interest over the Property.

When you Instruct Purplebricks you confirm that you do so with the knowledge, consent and agreement of each and all of the legal owners and occupiers and any other person who has an interest in the marketing and/or sale of the Property (whether that is a beneficial owner of all or part of the Property, an agent with whom you have agreed to market or sell the Property or any other relevant person).

Further, you confirm that you have all relevant authorities and authorisations as are necessary or required to enable you to take advantage of the Products and Services. This may include a trust document, a court order, a deed or a power of attorney, depending on your circumstances and to the extent that you require one of these documents to authorise you to sell the property. Where you are selling as an owner-occupier, these documents are unlikely to be required.

Anti-money laundering checks

We are required by law to carry out anti-money laundering checks on all those selling a property. It’s our responsibility to ensure checks are carried out properly and correctly and for ongoing monitoring. Our partner, Lifetime Legal Limited, will carry out the initial checks on our behalf. To do so, Lifetime Legal will call you within 24 hours of you instructing us to sell your property. The non-refundable cost for this check is set out in Schedule 1. The cost covers collecting the relevant data, manual checks and monitoring. You’ll need to pay this to Lifetime Legal and complete all anti-money laundering checks before your property can be published or marketed. This will be a separate payment and is not included in your Core Product Service Fee. We will receive some of the payment taken by Lifetime Legal to compensate for our role in providing in these checks.

What you must pay

We will only charge you the Product Service Fees as they are advertised when you enter into this Agreement. The Product Service Fees are fixed.

Pay later with conveyancing

Where you are selling your home you may be offered the option to take the Pay Later with Conveyancing Service, whereby we introduce you to and you agree to use a Conveyancing Firm for the Conveyancing Services. We are not required to offer you Pay later with conveyancing.

As part of the Pay later with conveyancing we agree, if it is necessary to do so, to liaise with your Conveyancing Firm in respect of the Conveyancing Services (including both before and after Completion). Whilst you and your Conveyancing Firm will communicate directly, we are there to provide such reasonable assistance as we can to help you in your dealings with the Conveyancing Firm.

The Conveyancing Services will be carried out under your agreement with the Conveyancing Firm and the fees that you pay the Conveyancing Firm for the Conveyancing Services will be governed by, and subject to, your agreement with the Conveyancing Firm. Such fees are not payable under this Agreement and are not included in the price that you pay Purplebricks.


Pay later with conveyancing is not available to companies, businesses, partnerships, charities, trusts and such other organisations that are excluded from time to time unless agreed by Purplebricks in writing.

Electing not to use Pay later with conveyancing

Where you decide to use Pay later with conveyancing but later elect to instead instruct your own conveyancers, you must tell us by emailing us at the contact details above. Please be aware that if, having decided to use Pay later with conveyancing you subsequently seek to instruct your own conveyancers, you must immediately pay to us the applicable Product Service Fee(s) (as set out immediately below).

Important – please read

It is a condition of Pay later with conveyancing that you agree to instruct the Conveyancing Firm to act on your behalf once a sale is agreed with a purchaser and you hereby agree that you will irrevocably instruct the Conveyancing Firm to deduct the Product Service Fee from the proceeds arising from Completion and make payment in full of the Product Service Fee to Purplebricks (or any third party entitled to collect payment of the Product Service Fee notified to you on Completion) in the event that you have not already made payment in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Should the Pay Later with Conveyancing Payment Date be before Completion (i.e. because (i) you withdraw your instructions for us to market the property, or (ii) you choose not to use the Conveyancing Firm, or (iii) ten months have elapsed from the date of this Service Agreement) then payment of the Product Service Fee will be debited from your card in accordance with your authorisation.

If full payment is not made in accordance with this Service Agreement, interest may be charged up to the Bank of England base rate on any amounts you owe us. You agree (in addition to the payment of the Product Service Fee and any applicable interest) to pay all reasonable costs we (or any third party nominated by us from time to time) incur in recovering such sums from you (including but not limited to legal and administration fees).

If you are making payment by bank transfer the details are as follows
Barclays Bank plc
Sort code: 20-19-90
Account: 23962695



If you choose Pay later with conveyancing you shall make payment in full of the Product Service Fee when any of the following occurs, whichever happens first (the Conveyancing Liaison Payment Date):

  • When the property sells and the legal process is complete;

  • Ten months from the date of this Service Agreement;

  • If you withdraw your instruction for us to market your property;

  • If you withdraw from using the Conveyancing Services*

*Please be aware that if you withdraw from using the Conveyancing Services then you may have to make payment to the Conveyancing Firm for any services or disbursements that they have carried out on your behalf or incurred, depending on the terms of your agreement with the Conveyancing Firm.

Pay later with conveyancing does not apply to our lettings products and services and payment must be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the products and services chosen.

Payment details

When you take advantage of any of our Products and Services we may take certain information from you such as the name on the card, card number, start date, expiry date, security code or issue number. This information will be used to take the agreed payment and will not be stored on our system. This information will be stored by the card merchant and only if you take advantage of Products and Services in the future will you get the choice to use the same card and we will then call for the information from the card merchant. Unless you opt for Pay later with conveyancing you can choose not to have your card stored should you so wish.

Should you choose to use Pay later with conveyancing then you will be required to provide your credit or debit card or bank details to allow us to collect payment of the Product Service Fee in the event that the Product Service Fee is payable prior to Completion, or in the event that it is not paid by the Conveyancing Firm at the time of Completion. Your credit or debit card details will not be stored by us but will be stored by the Merchant Provider who will retain the information in accordance with their terms and conditions.

If you believe you have been billed in error notify us immediately by submitting an enquiry through our contact us page


If you select Pay later with conveyancing option you must pay the Product Service Fee on Pay later with conveyancing Payment Date, as explained above under the heading "Payment Terms – Extremely Important".

Where you owe payment in this way, you acknowledge and agree that Purplebricks may transfer or assign its right to receive payment from you to a third party (details of which are set out in the paragraph immediately below). Where we make such a transfer or assignment, the amount you owe will then be payable by you, on Pay later with conveyancing Payment Date, to the third party and the third party will contact you to collect the payment when it falls due. You further agree that Purplebricks may pass any relevant information (including personal data) provided by you to the appointed third party to enable them to collect any payments due from you in accordance with this Agreement.

Currently, the third party to whom we may transfer or assign our rights to receive payment from you is Specialist Lending Limited (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and which also uses the trading name "Duologi"), or such other third party as may be substituted by Purplebricks from time to time. Specialist Lending Limited has its registered office at The Square, Basing View, Basingstoke, England, RG21 4EB.

You agree that in addition to ourselves, the third party may also carry out identity checks and such other checks that are required such as to meet the requirements of anti-money laundering legislation. These checks will not publicly appear on your credit file.

Cancellations and refunds


Should you wish to cancel or withdraw any Products and Services you may do so at any time.
However, unless you cancel this Service Agreement within a ‘cooling off period’ as described below, if you cancel or withdraw from this Service Agreement, you will not be entitled to a full or part credit in respect of the Product Service Fee(s). You can withdraw your advert at any time by clicking on the ‘remove advert’ icon on your property page in the Online Platform. In certain circumstances you may be able to re-list the property within a designated period after withdrawal. Details will be made available at the time of seeking to withdraw/relist your Advert. If you cancel or withdraw your advert or any Products and Services in circumstances where Purplebricks has already commenced work, further Product Service Fees may be payable to reinstate any removed or suspended Products and Services. This further Product Service Fee will correspond to the prices in Schedule 1 of this Agreement for the reinstated Products and Services.

If you have chosen Pay later with conveyancing then if you cancel and withdraw your instructions for us to market the property then you will be liable to pay us the relevant Product Service Fee at that time – see “Payment Terms – Extremely Important” above. We will notify any third party who is collecting payment on our behalf to enable them to collect payment of the Product Service Fee from you or, where we have chosen to transfer or assign our rights to receive payment of the Product Service Fee from you to a third party, we will notify them so they can collect payment from you.

‘Cooling off period’

You have a legal right to change your mind about instructing Purplebricks. This is subject to some conditions, as set out below. If you want to change your mind you must let us know no later than 14 days after the day we confirm we have accepted your instruction.

When you enter into this Agreement, you agree that Purplebricks may begin to provide you with the relevant Products and/or Services during the cooling off period and that as a result you may not be entitled to a full refund of the Product Service Fee.

As a result, if you notify us of your intention to cancel this Agreement after we have begun to provide you with the relevant Products and/or Services you will no longer be entitled to a full refund of the Product Service Fee as follows:

- Pay upfront customers will instead be entitled to a refund of the Product Service Fee less the Requested Services Fee.
- Pay later with conveyancing customers will be required to pay us the Requested Services Fee.

The "Requested Services Fee" will equal an amount in proportion to the services provided by us until you communicated your cancellation of the contract. This amount will include reasonable expenses incurred by us for such services, for example, for photography, preparation of property particulars and advertising. The point at which we would begin to provide you with the relevant Products and/or Services at your request (and consequently when you would no longer be entitled for a full refund) would usually begin when you instruct us and before we publish your Advert. For example, where we have produced floorplans, taken photographs or where the Local Property Partner has begun to create your Advert, you would no longer be entitled to a full refund, even if your advert has not yet been published. Should we introduce or have negotiations with the ultimate buyer of the property before you exercise your right to cancel, the contract will have been fully performed and the full fee will be due, notwithstanding that cancellation took place.

Please see below an explanation of the services we may end up providing to you during the cooling off period, and the costs associated with these which you may then be charged should you cancel during the cooling off period:


Services from instructing us to publishing your advert

Professional photography & floorplan


Professional photography, floorplan & 3D Tour


Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)


Scotland Home Report

£480 – 1980 (price varies depending on property age, value and location.)

Services after publication of your advert

‘For Sale’ board


Cost of online portals



Accompanied viewings

Up to £450 (£50 per viewing)

Premium Listing


Featured Listing


Rightmove Bundle


Scotland Home Report Refresh


You can exercise your right to cancel during the cooling off period by giving us a clear statement of your intention to cancel in writing. You may use wording in the model cancellation form in Schedule 2 of this Agreement, but you don’t need to. It is sufficient for you to send your cancellation before the cooling off period has ended to exercise your right to cancel within the cooling off period, and we do not need to agree to you exercising this right.


If you have any complaints about the performance of our obligations under this Agreement, please refer to our complaints procedure as available here.

Length of Agreement; Termination of this Agreement

This Agreement will continue until the earlier of the expiry of the Advertisement Period, Completion, or the date that you cancel this Agreement unless you do not comply with your obligations under it or the Terms of Use.

If you materially breach your obligations under either this Agreement or the Terms of Use; or if you require us to take any step which may put us in breach of our legal or professional obligations then we may cancel this Agreement on giving you 14 days’ notice (unless we are required to cancel it sooner, in order to comply with our legal or professional obligations, in which case we may cancel it sooner).

Any cancellation will not affect liability previously incurred by either of us to the other.

Approving your advert

Should you take advantage of Products and Services where we arrange for a Local Property Partner to create your Advert for approval, you will be notified by Purplebricks as soon as the Advert is available for approval. We always aim to do this as soon as reasonably practicable.
You are responsible, regardless of which Product or Services we provide you with, for ensuring that all descriptions, photographs, floor plans and information uploaded and/or used in any advertising and marketing are accurate, current and are in no way misleading. Where we produce any description, photograph or floor plan as part of the Products and Services we provide to you, we will ask you to approve such description, photograph and/or floor plan by providing your approval for the Advert to ensure that they are accurate, current and not misleading. If any of the information you provide or approve is, or is found to be inaccurate, not current, or misleading it will be removed immediately and we may rely on our rights set out in our Terms of Use and this Agreement. This could mean that you are required to compensate us for our loss.

However, there will be no full or part credit in respect of Product Service Fee under these circumstances.


Both Purplebricks Classic and Pro offer professional photography services. In the event that we have arranged for you to upload your own photographs the below must be followed:

  • You can only upload photographs that show your property for marketing purposes.

  • Photographs must be no more than 10MB and the maximum number you can upload and/or save in total for each property is 25.

  • To ensure the best quality images, please be sure to follow the recommended settings as you upload your photographs. The recommended settings will be available to review when you access the image upload section of the Online Platform.

  • The uploading of photographs which do not comply with the requirements of this Agreement, the Terms of Use and the recommended settings will be treated as a breach and may result in your Account being suspended and/or terminated, the property withdrawn from the market and a report being made to the relevant authorities (if applicable). We may rely on our rights set out in our Terms of Use and this Agreement. This could mean that you are required to compensate us for our loss.

  • In order to ensure the best possible service for all of our customers we will examine any photographs that are uploaded by you in advance of them becoming live on the property portals and the Website. This process will be carried out 24 hours a day to ensure that there is little or no delay in them becoming live.

  • We reserve the right to refuse to allow any image to be uploaded, made live or presented on any marketing or property portal that we consider in our absolute discretion to be inappropriate, inaccurate, misleading or likely to cause distress or embarrassment to anyone viewing the image.


Extras are a unique opportunity for you to offer your property for sale and/or let with certain value added extras. The Extras which you may be able to select are:

  • Advert upgrades

  • Interactive 3D Tour

  • Accompanied viewings

You can choose to offer any one or more from the list of Extras. You can find more information on each of these Extras here. You can change these from time to time or withdraw them.

Where notified, some Extras are conditional upon you using the Conveyancing Liaison Service and by choosing that Extra, you agree to use such service.

Energy Performance Certificate (‘EPC’)

It is a legal requirement for you to have commissioned an EPC before we are able to start the marketing of your property. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a valid and up to date EPC in place before your Advert goes live. The Online Platform will prompt you about the obtaining of an EPC and will not let you publish the Advert until you have either provided an EPC or ordered one from us.

Advertising and Marketing

We will advertise and market your property for the Advertisement Period on such property portals, websites or publications as we consider to be the most effective at securing interest on your property from potential purchasers and tenants. We may, however decide to withdraw, or no longer take advantage of the services of such property portals, websites or publications.

For Sale and To Let Boards

Where you Instruct Purplebricks to sell your property, we will arrange for one ‘For Sale’ board to be erected free of charge (if included as part of the Products and Services). The ‘For Sale’ board will remain the property of Purplebricks, and we may use it after it has been situated at your property. Any subsequent boards (and a ’To Let‘ board) will be charged at the applicable Product Service Fee for those boards in force from time to time and as set out on this Service Agreement.

Where we erect a ‘For Sale’ board free of charge:

  • All boards shall belong to Purplebricks, although it is your responsibility to ensure they are safe and secure and preserved for collection once the property is sold or is withdrawn from the market; and

  • If we cannot collect a board which we reasonably consider we would be able to use again, then we may charge you to replace the board at the current rate for a replacement board. Our current rates for replacement boards can be found at Schedule 1.

For the avoidance of doubt, Purplebricks will not erect a ‘To Let’ board unless you ask us to do so and pay the Product Service Fee for a ‘To Let’ board in force from time to time and published in the Online Platform.


Subject to Interruption we will arrange and record viewings through the Online Platform. You will be notified immediately a viewing is booked. We will provide you with the name of the person(s) who wish to view together with the date and time.

If Purplebricks are conducting the viewings on your behalf, you will still be notified of the above information.

If you take advantage of the viewings service offered by Purplebricks, we will conduct all of your viewings for a fixed price as advertised from time to time. Under these circumstances, it is still your responsibility to ensure that the property is ready and prepared for the viewing, is in a safe condition and that the Local Property Partner that we arrange to conduct your viewing has access to the property at the date and time of the viewing.

In the event we have conducted a large number of viewings on your behalf and you have received regular feedback to suggest that the price of the property is too high, we are likely to want to conduct a marketing review call to discuss the best way forward. We reserve the right to withdraw the viewings service at any time but only where we consider that it is unreasonable to expect Purplebricks to continue to accompany viewings taking into account the number of viewings and the feedback received. However, there will be no full or part credit in respect of Product Service Fees under these circumstances.


If you take advantage of the viewings service offered by Purplebricks you shall supply Purplebricks with two sets of keys for all lockable doors, cupboards and areas that form part of the property. We shall store these in a safe and secure locked cabinet save when they are being used to provide the viewings service.

Empty properties

If your property is empty, you shall ensure that you conduct regular security and condition checks from time to time. Purplebricks shall not be responsible for doing so nor for informing you about any matter or circumstance arising in your property.

Recording your viewing availability

Subject to Interruption, if you have chosen to conduct your own viewings you may enter details into the Online Platform of when you are available. This will enable people who want to view, to choose a date and time to suit them. You will be notified when a viewing is booked. Where a viewing is requested outside of this availability, the Online Platform will ask that you confirm the viewing. It is your responsibility to do this immediately.


Through the Online Platform, we will request feedback from every person who has viewed or was due to view your property. The Online Platform will prompt them for feedback at least three times unless they confirm that they do not wish to provide feedback. You can track these requests in the Online Platform.

The feedback will be immediately available in your Account as soon as it has been provided and will be exactly as provided by the person concerned. The Online Platform is the most transparent for providing information.


Subject to Interruption we will report offers to you immediately they are made via the Online Platform. The circumstances of the potential purchaser or tenant, their desire to proceed and desired timing for effecting the purchase, will be requested and, to the extent received, provided to you automatically as the offer is made.

The information will always be made available exactly how it is provided by the potential purchaser or tenant through the Online Platform.

You will get a choice whether to accept the offer, reject the offer, reject and negotiate or you can opt for Purplebricks to negotiate everything on your behalf. You will get to choose one of these options each time you receive an offer.

We will always act on your behalf and negotiate the best possible offer for your property, without any conflict of interest.

Before issuing a memorandum of sale, we will make such anti-money laundering checks as are required to ensure the purchaser and offer made meets our criteria for a sale to proceed and you agree we will not be required to issue a memorandum of sale or assist with completing a purchase unless such checks are completed to our satisfaction. The checks will be conducted by our partner Lifetime Legal Limited. The cost as set out in Schedule 1 will be paid by the purchaser, directly to Lifetime Legal. We will receive some of the payment taken by Lifetime Legal to compensate for our role in providing in these checks.

Personal interest

We will always inform you as soon as we become aware of anyone making an offer for your property that is in any way connected with Purplebricks; whether they are employed or engaged by us, a family member of a director of Purplebricks or a person providing services to us.

In the event that you are aware of any personal interest from anyone connected with Purplebricks you should notify us immediately. We will then make such enquiries as we consider necessary and provide you with a notification in writing of the nature of the personal interest. You will have the sole discretion to decide whether you wish to deal with the person or persons concerned. We will never knowingly permit any offer to be made or sale agreed with someone connected to Purplebricks unless we have provided you with written notice. This written notice will ordinarily be displayed when you review the offer.
Before your Advert is published, Purplebricks will ask you whether you are in any way connected with Purplebricks; whether you are employed or engaged; a family member of a director of Purplebricks or a person providing services to us. This will be disclosed to all potential purchasers or tenants.


We will provide you as far as reasonably practicable with advice and assistance once a sale is agreed in accordance with the Post Sale Charter. The Post Sale Charter can be viewed here.


All of these terms apply equally to lettings as they do to sales. There are additional terms and conditions specifically relating to Landlords and the lettings process contained in our 'Lettings Terms of Business' sent to you before a valuation and under the heading ‘Lettings Disclaimer’ in the terms section of the website.

Provision of personal information

For the effective use of the Products and Services we will be providing certain people with personal information such as your name, address, contact details, viewing availability, agreed sale price and position to proceed. Please read the Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy for more information, terms, and conditions. It is your responsibility to provide accurate up to date personal information through the Online Platform.

In the event that you choose the Conveyancing Liaison Service we will disclose to any third party collecting any payment due from you on our behalf or to whom we have transferred or assigned our rights to the payment from you such information as we request from you on the Online Platform when you Instruct Purplebricks and when any event should occur that represents a Conveyancing Liaison Payment Date.

Third party companies

We will introduce to you, the buyer / tenant or any prospective buyer / tenant (where we deem appropriate and / or necessary) third party services (“the services”) such as mortgages, insurance, letting services and conveyancing but only where we reasonably believe that the services being provided are in the best interests of you, the buyer or prospective buyer, and further that we reasonably consider that the third party companies capable of providing and are required to provide, an exceptional service.

We may receive commission for introducing you to third parties but only when you agree to take advantage of such products or services. You may decide of your own free will and we will never pressurise or require you to use such products or services. You hereby expressly agree and accept that in the event that we introduce a product or service from a third party company that we may accept a payment or commission as a result of that introduction.
We may arrange for third parties to provide some of the Products and Services to you on our behalf. We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that they continue to provide an exceptional service.

Availability of the Products and Services

Whilst we will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Products and Services are available at all times this may not always be the case due to circumstances outside our control, and your access to the Products or Services may sometimes be interrupted or contain errors.

We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that all Content submitted by you to us will be secure. We cannot guarantee that the Online Platform, Products and Services, or the Website will be free from loss, corruption, attack, viruses, ‘worms’, ‘trojan horses’ or other harmful components, or from interference, hacking or other security intrusions. You should be sure to back up your own system periodically to ensure that all Content available to you and located within your Account, is available to you in the event of any loss or damage as Purplebricks reserves the right to remove or suspend all or any part of the Content, at any time in accordance with these terms.

Please read the Terms of Use for further information.

How we will communicate

By agreeing to these terms, you choose to receive information from us by way of email unless another method is more appropriate in the circumstances. If we leave a voicemail or email you, we’ll assume you received it on the same day. If we post documents to you, we’ll assume you have received them three days after the date of posting.

If we make changes to this Service Agreement in accordance with our rights under this Agreement (see “Changes we can make to this Service Agreement” below) then we will email the new Service Agreement to you. Our current Service Agreement can be found at our website

You can contact us for any reason by telephone or by email. Our customer contact telephone number and email address are found at the start of this Agreement.

Changes we can make to this Service Agreement

Changes to this Service Agreement that we can make immediately

Please note that we may make some changes to this Service Agreement without telling you first. We’ll only do this for changes that:

  • we consider to be to your advantage and do not increase the cost to you of providing the relevant Product or Service;

  • introduce new products or services; or

  • we are required to make in order to comply with any law or regulation, or the decision of a court or Relevant Regulator.

We’ll tell you about these changes within 30 days of the change happening.

Changes we can make after giving 60 days’ notice

We’ll give you at least 60 days’ notice before any change that might make you worse off, for example if we increase the costs of any Product or Service which we are providing to you.
We’ll explain the reason for the change and how it will affect you.

If you’re not happy with the change you can end this Service Agreement and we will provide you with a partial refund of any Product Service Fee(s) paid by you. The amount of this refund will be determined by reference to the Products and Services provided to you, and how long we have provided them for. If you have chosen Pay later with conveyancing, we will explain to you the costs payable by you for the Products and Services received.

Laws that apply to this Service Agreement

The laws of England and Wales apply to this Service Agreement. However, you can take legal action against us in a Court in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. If we decide to take legal action against you, we will do so in the courts of the country in which you are resident.

If any part of this Service Agreement is (or becomes) illegal or unenforceable (for example, because of a change in any law or regulation, or because of a court decision), we will treat that part of the Service Agreement as if it doesn’t exist. This won’t affect the rest of the Agreement.

Our regulatory status

Purplebricks Group plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Schedule 1

All figures include VAT.

Estate Agent Service
The Core Product Service Fee is the fee payable to Purplebricks for the Estate Agent Service consisting of either “Classic” or “Pro”. All Extras are optional and have additional costs (as set out further below), save that Accompanied Viewings and Interactive 3D Tour are included in "Pro". Anti-money laundering checks are mandatory, have an additional cost and are non-refundable (as set out further below).

Classic includes access to a dedicated Local Property Partner, access to the Online Platform, professional photography of your property, producing a professional floorplan and an advert for your property, a ‘For Sale’ board, listing your property on no less than two third party UK property listing sites and the Website for the Advertisement Period, and access to a UK-based property support team. Extras are excluded.

The Core Product Service Fee for Classic is:

  • For London and the surrounding areas: £2250 or £2999, depending on your postcode. Please check at to confirm price in your individual postcode.

  • For the rest of the UK: £1349

Pro includes all of the services listed in Classic plus an Interactive 3D Tour and Accompanied Viewings.

The Core Product Service Fee for Pro is:

  • For London and the surrounding areas: £2750 or £3999

    , depending on your postcode. Please check at to confirm price in your individual postcode.

  • For rest of UK: £1799

All Extras are optional, save that if you have selected Pro, Accompanied Viewings and Interactive 3D Tour are included in your Core Product Service Fee.
Accompanied Viewings

  • For London and the surrounding areas: £500 or £1000

    , depending on your postcode. Please check at to confirm price in your individual postcode.

  • For rest of the UK: £450

Replacement board fees
• £60.

Premium Listing: Stand out with double the amount of preview photos and a highlighted listing for 20% more views*.Active for 12 months. 4 thumbnail photos. Sustained interest over a longer period of time.
• £125.

Featured Property: Get your property seen at the top of the page as well as having its own Standard Listing for twice the visibility. Active for 2 weeks. 3 thumbnail photos. Get seen first. Intense interest over a short period.
• £149.

Premium + Featured: Combine both our offerings to get multiple listings and increased visibility to reach more buyers. Featured Property active for 2 weeks. Then premium Listing active for 12 months. £25 discount. Maintain short and long term interest.
• £249.

Interactive 3D Tour will showcase your property with an immersive digital walk-through.
• £150.

Energy Performance Certificate: An EPC is required by law at the point of marketing your property.
• £95.

Home Report: A Home Report is required by law at the point of marketing your property in Scotland. Price varies depending on property age, value and location.
• £480 - £1,980

Pay later with conveyancing

If you elect to use Pay later with conveyancing, the cost for Conveyancing Services will be made available to you either by a quotation provided by your Local Property Partner or on the Online System after we have introduced you to a Conveyancing Firm. For the avoidance of doubt the cost of the Conveyancing Services is payable under your agreement with the Conveyancing Firm, and not under this Agreement. Purplebricks does not provide the actual conveyancing service.

Anti-money laundering checks

The cost of anti-money laundering checks, payable direct to Lifetime Legal by both sellers and buyers, is £60. This cost is non-refundable.

Schedule 2

Cancellation Form
Send us an enquiry to cancel using the general enquiries feature on our website:
I/We hereby give notice that I/we cancel my/our contract for the supply of estate agent services that was agreed on....................(insert date) in relation to my/our property at:.......................................................................................................................(enter property address)
I/We understand that I/we may be liable for the expenses / fees, as outlined within the Services Agreement we signed.
Customer name(s): [Insert name(s)]
Customer address(es): [Insert addresses]
[Insert customer signatures and date if sending a paper copy]