What's the Best Time to Sell a House?

If you're looking to make your next move, you may be wondering what is the best time to sell a house.

Peek the Best Time to Sell a House

When’s the Best Time to Sell a House?

Unless you own a trusty crystal ball, there's no clear guarantee that it's the ideal time to sell, as far as the market goes. While the market has proven incredibly resilient in challenging circumstances, if you're looking to make your next move, you may be wondering what is the best time to sell a house? And with many factors to consider, we look at what could be the ‘right’ time to get a free house valuation and sell your home.

The best time to sell and what that means for you

Before we get into the weeds and look at each season, it’s worth noting what we mean by ‘best time’. In this context, best means quickest and fastest. If you have the luxury of deciding when to sell your home, you’ll want to find out what month is best to sell your house fast.

Different times for different properties When it comes to property sales, there isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ application. The reality is that your home will suit a certain type of person more than others.

  • Typically, first-time buyers are likely to look at flats or 1- to 2-bedroom homes. They tend to be most active just after Christmas when they’re ready for a fresh start, and after the summer holidays when they hope to have bought their first home by Christmas.

  • If you’re selling a 3- to 4-bedroom house, your target buyer may have children, or be looking to start a family. Check when the longer holidays (summer, Easter, Christmas) are in your area, as families will work around school schedules

  • Bungalows and retirement properties will attract older people or those looking to downsize. If your property fits the bill, consider listing in spring or summer when older people are more active.

UK property sales by seasons


This season is one of the hottest to buy and sell property – so buckle up. Spring has a lot going for it: People are beginning to drag themselves out of the doldrums of winter, there are more hours of sunlight, and the flowers begin to burst with colour. The air buzzes with hope and rebirth once again.

On the flip side, spring is such a hot time to list property that it can quickly become saturated with sellers. This means more competition as the inventory increases, but there are also more buyers. This tends to turn into a buyer’s market, where buyers can be pickier because they know there’s more availability of properties for sale. Competitive pricing is key if you want your home to stand out.


Another hot season to sell, early summer is a great time for property sales. Like spring, you’ll need to keep your property price competitive to get buyers through the door.

In the summer, buyers tend to be motivated by time – especially families with kids. Most moves happen during the summer months. The last Friday in August tends to be the most popular date for movers. Kids aren’t in school, parents can take time off work, the days are long and you don’t have to struggle moving furniture into vans in pouring rain (usually!).


Although it’s often overlooked, autumn can be the best time of year to sell a house. Conventional wisdom dictates that buyers are motivated in this season to buy and move in before Christmas. Because of that, there are slightly fewer buyers during this time, but the ones that are looking are usually serious about moving.

Remember, no one wants to be moving over Christmas, so value your home and consider putting it on the market early in the autumn.


While winter is reserved for mince pies and log fires, a great property sale can still be had. A successful sale in winter isn’t impossible, and it can certainly be argued that the buyers around this time of year are very serious, which can work to your advantage.

Don’t discount the winter months for selling your home. If you need to move during this time, you should still enter the market rather than wait it out.

Have more questions about when to sell your house?

What’s the best month to sell a house? While history shows that months during spring, summer and autumn are great times to sell a house, the truth is, the best time to sell a house is the time that it makes the most sense for you.

If you have the luxury of choosing then to put your property on the market, consider your ideal buyer (first-time buyer, families, downsizers), and choose a season when they’ll be looking.

What’s the average time to sell a house in 2023? Currently, the average time to sell a house is anywhere between 12 and 27 weeks. Of course, that can alter drastically depending on your property, asking price, estate agent and the temperature of the market.

If you’re beyond ‘kicking the tyres’ and are ready to take the first step, meet with your local property expert to learn more about the current market and receive a free house valuation so you have some figures to work with.

Should I buy or sell my house first? For most people, they will need to sell their current home first in order to free up finances to buy their next property. In this case, it makes sense to put your home on the market first and accept an offer, all before making any offers on potential properties. If you have the finances to fund two mortgages, you may be in an advantageous position where you can buy before you need to sell.

Looking for more help selling your home?

As the UK’s leading estate agent, Purplebricks knows a thing or two about selling homes. With knowledgeable experts, straightforward fees and no high commissions, it’s a better way to sell your home.

Once you’ve decided on the best time to sell your house, your local experts are ready to help. You’ll receive support from our team at every step. Ready to get started? Book a free house valuation or sell your home with Purplebricks today.